Launching Nb. 416
On Saturday the 6th of July, 11.00 hrs, our Nb. 416 will be launched at Westerbroek.
Nb. 416 is the second vessel in a series of 2 ‘Trollmax bulkers’ built for Erik Thun A.B.. These are bulk oriented general cargo ships specially dimensioned to exactly fit through the locks of the trollhattan canal, connecting the Vanern (large interior lake of Southern Sweden) with the Port of Goteborg at the North Sea. Thanks to a light high tensile steel hull construction and a very full hullform with a large bulb, the ships will carry an absolute maximum amount of cargo deadweight through the restricted dimensions of the canal and locks.
The ships will have following characterisics:
– Loa = 89.00 mtr
– Lpp = 84.99 mtr
– B = 13.35 mtr
– D = 8.70 mtr
– T max = 6.145 mtr
– DW max = abt 5110 ton
– T canal = 5.40 mtr
– DW canal = abt 4160 ton
– Hold volume = 210.000 cft
Picture Copyright Simon Marrink.