Nb. 404 ‘Reggeborg’ delivered to her new owner
After successful sea trials, M.V. Reggeborg was delivered to Wagenborg shipping on February 14th 2014. M.V. ‘Reggeborg’, built as yard number 404, is the second unit in a series of 3 multi purpose cargo ships. These ships are the biggest ever built at Ferus Smit shipyards, and will also sail as the largest vessels in the Wagenborg fleet. For detailed data see our product sheet.
Differing from the first ship in this series, M.V. ‘Reggeborg’ is equipped with a higher deckhouse to create better vision lines when shipping high project deck cargoes.
We congratulate Wagenborg shipping with her new ship, and wish M.V. Reggeborg and her sailors many safe journeys for the years to come.