Nb. 409 ‘Arklow Bank’ delivered to her new owner

On Thursday the 23th of January, M.V. Arklow Bank was delivered to her new owner Arklow Shipping. The Arklow Bank, built as Nb. 409, is the first unit in a series of six multi purpose cargo ships. This first ship has following dimensions: Loa 119.495 mtr, B 14.99 mtr, Tmax 7.160 mtr, Deadweight abt 8.400 tons, Hold volume 350.000 cft.

The characteristic and innovative ‘bulbless’ bow shape brings this design a number of ‘green’ advantages. Her longer and sharper waterlines create less resistance, irrespective of her loading draft. At the same time this shape creates more deadweight and cargo volume within her absolute dimensions. Above the waterline the more slender form will cut gradually through waves, improving performance in rough conditions.

Maritime By Holland wrote an informative piece in their magazine describing the arise and features of M.V. Arklow Bank. To read the complete article please click on the PDF file below.


Copyright picture in the header by Simon Marrink.