Nb. 412 ‘Arklow Beacon’ Successfully launched
On Friday the 19th of September, M.V. Arklow Beacon was successfully launched at the Westerbroek yard of Ferus Smit.
Nb. 412 is christened as ‘Arklow Beacon’. She is the fourth vessel in a series of six that will be delivered to our client from the city of Arklow, Ireland. The design is a bulk oriented general cargo ship that will be mainly employed in the shipment of wheat, corn and other bulk commodities in European waters.
As hull form it was chosen to adapt the ‘bulbless’ principle; creating a slender bow without bulb. Taking into account the various loading drafts and wave conditions to be encountered in service, the total performance of this bow will be better than a bulb optimised for one single draft and flat water only.
This ship has the following characteristics:
– Loa = 119.495 mtr
– Lpp = 116.895 mtr
– B = 14.99 mtr
– D = 9.70 mtr
– T max = 7.186 mtr
– DW max = abt 8660 ton
– Hold volume = 350.000 cft
Delivery of Arklow Beach will be in October 2014.
Picture Copyright Simon Marrink.