Nb. 451 ‘Thun Equality’ Delivered
Ferus Smit delivered her Nb. 451 named “Thun Equality”, the third “E-Class” tanker in a series of four ordered. The delivery was preceded by an extensive program of trials and tests in which the proper working and safety of all systems was verified. Right after delivery M.V. Thun Equality left the harbour of Delfzijl on her first commercial voyage.
As the delivery of the first Ferus Smit tanker to Erik Thun dates back nearing 20 years, this new ship is the third unit in renewal of the fleet of 10 coastal tankers that were delivered to Erik Thun by Ferus Smit over the past years. We are proud that Ferus Smit was again trusted to built the succeeding series as well.
The design is a completely revised and updated version of the existing design, that has proven herself over the years as a benchmark in the coastal tanker market. Focus for improvements were to further optimize efficiency and ecological footprint. Therefore the new tanker is fueled by LNG, with a pressurized tank installed on the tank deck.
The ship measures 7999 DW tons and 9540 m3 cubic volume in 9 coated cargo tanks, suited for MARPOL and IMO type II chemical cargoes. Main dimensions to be Loa 115m, B 15.87 mtr, draft 6.95 mtr, Iceclass will be 1A FS, suitable for year-round Baltic service. Propulsion will be from a 2999 kW Wartsila 6L34DF main engine.
We wish M.V. Thun Equality and her crew many safe and prosperous miles ahead!
Please find the press release at Thun for more information…