Launching Nb. 407 ‘Vlieborg’
The newest and sharpest tool in the shed: our CNC robotized profile cutting line!
Over the last weeks it was installed and tested, and now it runs its first production.
This machinery will take care of all straight profile parts in our ship constructions. At one side of the line the rough material is automatically loaded while at the other side the completely processed parts will roll out, ready for assembly.
Along the way a robot-arm driven plasma torch cuts the parts to length with correct end-forms and beveled edges, as well as taking care of all intermediate cut-outs and holes. But along the line also the profile edges to be later welded are machined to enable welding of better quality at higher speeds, and printing of dimensional and part code information on the steel.
The profile cutting line is installed in our new production halls that were acquired last year. These halls are located at the entrance of the ‘Scheepswervenweg’; the same street as our Westerbroek production site and offices.